
Sunday, April 12, 2015

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Hi, Sahabat XPS
Udah lama kaga posting !!!
Kali ini saya ingin bagai mana cara menampilkan password microsoft access yang terkunci
Pertama anda download aplikasinya di sini DOWNLOAD NOW

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Keempat catat password yang kalian dapat dari aplikasi tersebut dan coba kalian buka data ms access yang terkunci dengan password itu.

Sekian posting saya semuga bermanfaat
>| Trimakasih |<

Aplikasi ini tidak bekerja apabila kata sandi/password berjumlah 18 digit

Monday, July 7, 2014

Doraemon Movie 2011 – Nobita dan Tentara Robot Baru ~ Sayap Malaikat

Cerita bermula dari kecemburuan nobita atas robot mainan baru suneo, Nobita meminta Doraemon untuk sesuatu yang lebih baik dari itu. Doraemon awalnya menolak, sampai Nobita sengaja menemukan potongan robot misterius yang jatuh dari langit. Setelah mengumpulkan semua bagian robot dan dirakit mereka bersama-sama, robot raksasa, Zanda Claus, akhirnya selesai. Duo ini segera belajar bahwa robot ini bukan mainan belaka, tapi senjata ampuh dalam memerangi Tentara Robot datang untuk menyerang Bumi dan memperbudak penduduk manusia bumi. Invasi sudah dekat, muncullah seorang gadis misterius Riruru (???, ejaan Alternatif:Lilulu, Lillele [Doko Demo Doa scanlations]) untuk mencari robot tersebut.
Link Download Doraemon Movie 2011 – Nobita dan Tentara Robot Baru ~ Sayap Malaikat ~

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Aplikasi Launcher

Hi, Sahabat XPS
Kali ini saya akan memberikan sebuah aplikasi Launcher
Aplikasi Launcher akan membuka data yang telah di setting oleh kalian sendiri, jadi Shortcut di Dekstop di hapus aja biar kaga menuhin PC / Laptop
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Thursday, May 29, 2014

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Hallo, Sahabat XPS 
Kali Ini Saya Akan Memberi Kan Aplikasi Mengubah Mos Biasa Menjadi Macro
Daripadah Kita Beli Mos Macro Mahal Mending Download Apliaksi Nya Di Sini
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Aplikasi Edit Map GTA

Click Di Sini >>> :  Download Now (NOW 0.3-C COMPATIBLE)

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Cara Mereset Printer Epson R220,R230

Masalah yang sering terjadi pada printer epson r230 yaitu muncul nya lampu merah yang berkedip secara bergantian pada kedua tombol printer kecuali tombol on-off dampak nya tidak dapat/print file dan sejenisnya,, 

Berikut ini adalah cara untuk mereset PrinterR230:
Pertama :
1. Download dulu software nya Disini
2. Jika sudah di download, install softwarenya pada komputer anda.
3. Setelah di install jalankan softwarenya dan masukkan kabel usb printer pada komputer anda
4. Kemudian muncul jendela SSC Service Utility -> lalu klik tab Configuration

5. Pada "Instaled Printer" pilih jenis printer epson R230, Kemudian pada "Printer Model" Pilih "Epson Stylus Photo R220/R230
6. Lalu kilk tanda close pada software-nya.

1. Pada taskbar pojok kanan akan muncul icon "SSC Service Utility"
2. Kemudian klik kanan -> Reset Counter -> lalu pilih Reset All Counter.

3. Setelah itu matikan printer anda kemudian hidupkan kembali printer anda
4. Jika sudah tidak ada lampu yang berkedip, berarti  anda sudah berhasil mereset printer anda.

Jika sudah melakukan langkah-langkah diatas belum berhasil, coba anda buka tutup printerdan kemudian angkat semua "catridge" yang ada pada printer, kemudian pasang kembali dan tekan"catridge -nya". Kemudian lanjutkan langkah-langkah seperti yang diatas. 

Cukup sekian dan terimakasih, semoga dapat membantu rekan-rekan sekalian yang mempunya masalh pada printer. sampai jumpa kembali dan terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke blog ini.

Jangan lupa komentar nya ya,,, 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Cara Menginstall Ulang Blackberry

Cara install ulang blackberry, flash dan update, upgrade blackberry menggunakan blackberry destop manager. Instal backberry  destop manager di pc anda, bila anda tidak memiliki silahkan download terlebih dahulu. cara install ulang hp blackberry ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.
  • Download dan install blackberry firmware sesuai dengan type blackberry yang ingin anda install ulang
  • Delete file vendor.XML yang berada pada  C:\ program file \common \file\research in motion \apploader
  • koneksikan pc dan blackberry anda dengan menggunakan kabel data  ( posisi blackberry anda dalam keadaan mati , tidak hidup dan tampa kartu memory, tampa batterai.
  • Jalankan loader.Exe yang berada di  C:\ program file \common \file\research in motion \apploader
  • Klik NEXT, bila dibagian koneksi muncul tulisan USB : UNKNOWN  / IME, lanjutkan dengan mengklik NEXT , namun apabila tidak muncul sama sekali silahkan anda lepas terlebih dahulu kabel data yang terpasang pada blackberry anda, lalu pasang kembali kabel datanya.
  • Pada menu pilihan aplikasi berikutnya, silahkan anda pilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda, anda tinggal mencentang mana yang ingin anda install, jangan anda centang apabila tidak ingin di install
  • kemudian klik NEXT dan tunggulah sampai FINISH
Apabila JVM errorr pada blackberry anda, maka klik cara memperbaiki JVM erorr pada blackberry anda yang belum selesai di install ulang MMN.
Catatatn: Bila anda ragu dan takut untuk mencoba menginstall ulang blackberry anda sendiri, sebaiknya anda bawa sasja ke tempat service resmi, agar tidak terjad kesalahan yang fatal dalam menginstall ulang blackberry anda. Terima kasih anda sudah membaca artikel singkat tentang  cara menginstall hp blackberry, cara install ulang blackberry, langkah-langkah menginstall ulang hp blackberry. semoga artikel singkat ijni bermanfaat dan maaf bila ada salah kata dalam penulisan artikel diatas.Admin pemirsablog mengucapkan terima kasih. 

Age of Empires III - RELOADED

Age of Empires III - RELOADED (PC/ENG) Full Version
MediaFire | JumboFiles | Sharebeast | Zippyshare | GlumboUploads

Age of Empires III PC Game Full Version - Age of Empires III is the newest installment of the real-time strategy series Age of Empires. Continuing where Age of Empires II: Age of Kings left off, this version lets you play as a European superpower bent on exploring and conquering the New World. Age of Empires III adds improved physics, new units, new civilizations, and an extensive single-player campaign.


Minimum System Requirements
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista
  • Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.4 GHz
  • Memory: 256 Mb
  • Hard Drive: 2 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 64 Mb
  • Video Card: Hardware T&L capable
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • Network: 56K Internet Connection in order to play online
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD Rom Drive

Link download
Link password: koskomputer
Rar password : koskomputer.blogspot.com

1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount with daemon tools.
3. Install the game, when prompted for a serial enter the following: Click
4. Copy the cracked executable from the /crack dir on CD1 to your
installation directory.
5. Play the game.

All links download Interchangeable
Add 5% recovery record
Total parts:
  - CD1: 4 / 190MB
  - CD2: 3 / 190MB
  - CD3: 3 / 190MB
Total File: 1.67 GB

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Semoga bermanfaat

Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary – PC

Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary - PC
The answer: It’s still really, really good. The campaign tells an intriguing story full of fluid action, fierce enemies, stirring music, and thrilling moments. The overhauled visuals look great; flipping between the classic and remastered presentation modes not only makes you realize what a thorough and faithful job the artists have done, but it also makes you appreciate how well the original art design stands the test of time.

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Silent Hunter 4 - PC

Free download Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific game full PC. Read game detail before download.
Free download Silent Hunter 4 Wolves of the Pacific Free download Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific game full PC
Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific is a submarine simulator developed and published by Ubisoft in 2007 for the Microsoft Windows operating system. This is the fourth installment of the Silent Hunter series.
Silent Hunter IV begins from the historic Battle of Midway, fought by the Imperial Japanese Navy and the U.S., the Pacific Ocean. If in the previous episode the generous programmers Romanians had given you the ability to control the length and breadth of a giant German U-Boat, this time you will be dealing with a skipper U.S., reproduced down to the smallest detail.
87DAVS Free download Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific game full PC
The campaign proposal, which will be discussed in more detail in a few lines, screen door, mission after mission, the naval battles between Japanese and Americans. If names like “Coral Sea” and “Passage of Palawan” do not mean anything, you will be able to appreciate the careful historical reconstruction only halfway.
The so-called “career mode” to which I referred a moment ago is the heart of the game. If you allow me to forget even for a moment the many options provided, I would like to put due emphasis on the system of progress: after completion of the missions in the program you will be awarded some “experience points” masquerading as awards. The reputation is an essential attribute to enjoy certain technological improvements and surround himself with a chosen crew. Success in this case, it is assured sinking enemy ships, breaking down enemy planes and saving allied pilots. Conversely, failure to comply with these conditions will result in a loss of these points. In the case of the perfect prove yourselves commanders, clever or brilliant strategists planners can assign your crew of trust medals or sweaty promotions. The campaign of Silent Hunter IV compares with another great classic, produced in his time by the now-defunct Microprose. The more observant among you will surely have brought to mind, given my last words, Falcon 4.0, still remembered today for one of the most exciting dynamic campaigns in the history of video games. The missions you look a bit ‘all the goals in these cases are always the same: patrolling hot spots, photographic reconnaissance of the sites enemies or even defense and rescue support air missions. In this respect, the recent production Ubisoft excessively narrows the eye to its predecessor.
Depth of Gameplay
The Pacific Ocean is huge, with the result that sometimes encounter more of a difficulty to flush out enemies. The style of play becomes flat and monotonous after a few missions, guilt, this, to be charged to the scheme extremely repetitive, “navigate to the affected area, sinking the battleship merchant bar, back to the base and if you happen to throw down a few enemy aircraft.”
Some progress has been made in the field of artificial intelligence: in spite of the third episode of your crew will not need a baby-sitter watchful eye, being now able to change position and carry out their duties without any external influence.
A good deal of emphasis is placed on the combat system, as to sink a ship must first calculate its velocity direction, calibrate the torpedo (hoping that it does not fire, alas), and finally enjoy a huge fireworks display. Should be emphasized that the levels of lower difficulty these maneuvers are entirely excluded: the less experienced among you just hook a ship and fire.
Among the new features are worth to recall the improvements to the systems TBT (Torpedo Bearing Transmitter) and post CCT, which is essential for the success of a firefight. The first calculates the direction and distance of the target and its operation is similar to the use of an ordinary pair of binoculars. The TDC is useful to confirm the data collected and provide further guidance on the impact angle, degrees and speed of the torpedo about to be launched.
Training Needed
I also recommend the more experienced among you to make a detour in the tutorial, before moving on in the long and difficult campaign. As we said in the introductory lines, Silent Hunter IV is extremely complicated, and it would be impossible were it not for a high degree of customization options, which also allows the player more arcade-style (so to speak) to rejoice in the proposed contents . Since the early stages of the game you can set the level of realism on a scale of zero to one hundred. In this case, the difficulty level chosen should be such as to influence the progress achieved, so that only by addressing a mission to the maximum predicted difficulty you will benefit from all the points of notoriety. It is the task of the function of tutorials impart sailing lessons, train you on the operation of the artillery and the launch of torpedoes, teach you how to use tools such as radar and sonar, underwater essential for a mission and then provide you the right preparation to deal with an attack on the convoy.
Single Patrols is the name of an additional game modes. The latter is proposed as a middle way between the long and short dynamic campaign missions rapids. Your main goal, on this occasion, will be to patrol certain areas that allow me to anticiparvelo, pulluleranno of enemies and scripted events.
The interface, once you’re comfortable with the spirit simulation of the title, is revealed to be detailed and functional. Warning lights, levers and buttons remain for the duration of the action under your watchful eyes, waiting that you can give orders to the crew or emergency maneuvers. The list of available actions is virtually endless: it is useful to enumerate only a few, in order not to complicate the reading. Set the speed with a single click, to determine the depth of the submarine or change the direction of the rudder. For those who do not have enough, it indicates the presence of emergence (or immersion, as the case may be) of an emergency, the launch of countermeasures, the output of the periscope and the use of the gun deck, as well as anti-aircraft heavy . All this is possible in Silent Hunter IV!
Technical sector
In terms of graphics, the visuals are proving valuable offers and inspired, while not reaching significant levels. Water proves to be of good quality: see the waves rippling, reacting to the movements of your submarine. The alternating day / night is expertly made, through bright colors and shiny, which will not fail to point out the most poetic moments at the helm of your cruiser. As for the most hectic, magnificent explosions will do justice to the efforts from time to time in an attempt to sink this or that enemy ship. The sound follows the same fate of the plant graph: proves efficient but never over the top, with unexpected encounters.
Up to eight players via LAN, four if you comes to playing online. Among the available modes citing the cooperative or the classic head-to-head. Dynamic and non-scripted missions, for a near infinite replayability.
Operating System: Windows ® XP / Vista
Processor: 2GHz Pentium 4, AMD Athlon (recommended 3GHz Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon)
RAM: 1 GB (2 GB recommended)
Video Card: 128 MB RAM, DirectX 9-compatible with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 (256 MB RAM recommended)
Sound Card: DirectX 9-compatible
DirectX: DirectX 9.0c or later
DVD ROM Drive: 4X minimum
Hard Disk: 6 GB
Supported video cards:
ATI ® RADEON ® 9600/9700/9800, X300 to X850, X1300 to X1800
NVIDIA ® GeForce ™ 6200/6600/6800/7800
Download Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific game full PC
change name file (example game001 game 002)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Cheat 033 - Flight Hour

Guys main game perang pesawat yuk
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Mass Effect 3 - RELOADED Full Crack [ Indowebster Link ]

Mass Effect 3 - Reloaded Full Crack [ Indowebster Link ]

Mass Effect 3 full version pc game - Merupakan game action yang di bumbui sensasi RPG di dalamnya. Game ini sangat laku keras saat awal kemunculannya dan langsung mendapatkan rating yang sangat baik di situs-situs review PC Games. Mungkin karena alasan inilah Mass Effect sampai pada seri ke-3 di tahun 2012 ini. Game ini menceritakan tentang seorang komandan yang bernama shepard bersama aliansinya dalam pertempuran melawan ras mesin yang disebut The Reapers. Pada seri ke 3 ini The Reapers sudah memasuki bumi dan melakukan penyerangan, nah apa anda ingin ikut terjun dalam pertempuran sherpdar dan kawan-kawan melawan The Reapers di bumi ? yuk langsung di amankan linknya sebelum mati haha.


Minimum System Requirements
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 1.8 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+
  • Memory: 1 Gb
  • Hard Drive: 15 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 256 Mb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7900 / ATI Radeon X1800
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD Rom Drive

Recommended System Requirements
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+
  • Memory: 2 Gb
  • Hard Drive: 15 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 512 Mb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce 9800 GTX / ATI Radeon HD 4850
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD Rom Drive

Link download

Install Note1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game
4. Copy the cracked content located in the Crack directory on either disc
into BinariesWin32 of your installation directory, overwriting
existing files
5. Play the game
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT

Link: Tested by Koskomputer
Game: Tested Worked

Semoga Bermanfaat

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Top Gun Hard Lock - RELOADED [ Indowebster Link ]

Top Gun Hard Lock - RELOADED [ Indowebster Link ]

Top Gun Hard Lock Full Version - Tiap hari ada saja game baru yang bermunculan, dan kali ini koskomputer kembali berbagi pc game lagi. Top Gun Hard Lock adalah game dengan genre Flight Action yang ceritanya di ambil dari film Top Gun. Pertempuran udara, kejar mengejar antara pesawat tempur dan membidik target akan banyak kita jumpai dalam game yang satu ini. Dan untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan melihat pada screenshot di bawah.


Minimum System Requirements
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
  • Memory: 2 Gb
  • Hard Drive: 8 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 512 Mb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 3870
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD Rom Drive

Recommended System Requirements
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
  • Memory: 4 Gb
  • Hard Drive: 8 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 1 Gb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce GTX 275 / ATI Radeon HD 4890
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD Rom Drive

Link download
Password: indowebster

1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game
4. Copy over the cracked content from the Crack dir on the disc to your install binary dir
5. Play the game

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

http://i40.tinypic.com/5v830h.jpg-ScreenShoot Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

Processor: Intel or AMD, 2 GHz
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista
Memory: 1024 MB RAM
Disk Space: 2 GB
Graphics Card: 128 MB DX9.0c compatible card,
GeForce 6200 or higher
Radeon 9700 or higher
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
DVD-ROM drive : x2 read speed
DirectX Version: 9.0c
Network: High-speed modem with 128 Kbits of data transfer upload rate for a client, 512Kbits of data transfer upload rate for a server on a full game.

Recommended Configuration:
Processor: Intel or AMD 2.8 GHz
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista
Memory: 1024 MB RAM
Disk Space: 2 GB
Graphics Card: 256 MB DX9.0c compatible card,
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive : x2 read speed
DirectX Version: 9.0c
Network: High-Speed Modem with 128 Kbits of data transfer upload rate for a client, 512Kbits of data transfer upload rate for a server on a full game.


Password : SC

Friday, March 14, 2014

Point Blank Offline

System Requirements (spek minimum) :
Minimum System Requirements
- CPU : P4 2.4G / Athlon 2500+
- Ram : 512 MB
- VGA : 128 on board/off board

Recommended System Requirements
- CPU : P4 3.0G / Athlon 2500+
- Ram : 1 GB
- VGA : GeForce 6600
1. Download file server + Database v1.7 : Download Server+Database here 13.73Mb
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Mirror Download Link Client:
Via Indowebster
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
pass : private

Via Amshare
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
3. PB Client Launcher : Download here 50byte
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Cara Download Java via Oracle:
*klik gambar untuk memperbesar...
1. Klik persetujuan ( Accept License Agreement) supaya link bisa di download
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5. MySQL :
Download for 32bit here 31.08Mb
6. Navicat : Download here 9.64Mb
7. PB Client IP Editor : Download here 143Kb
8. File lwsi_En.sif disini 110byte (bagi yang susah/gamau pake PB client editor)  
    nah lwsi_En.sif nya ditaro disitu gan.
Total Download: ± 859.6 Mb
Bagi yang males download bisa beli di temen ane full pack dan lain lain ....
Lihat disini
Update Peralatan Baru 
- PB-Launcher V4 disini
- run.bat download disini
- Translete Bahasa Indonesia download (tutorial ada di dalam rar) 
  1. 25% disini (by PB Developer Team)
  2. 100% disini (by Pb-blackout)
- Indonesia Patch download disini 
- Weapon Patch disini   pass : Oroch - i3core Dev Team
- First Loading baca juga cara menggati first loading disini 

- New Server Manager
untuk memudahkan Anda dalam mengelola server sangat berguna untuk newbie alat fitur ini, Anda dapat melihat pada gambar di atas tidak anda perlu men-download server lagi karenafile.exe server yang didalamnya ada
Download here
Tutorial Instal :

             Tutorial Instal Versi Teks:             
Peralatan: JDK latest version (x64=64bit or x86=32bit sesuaikan kompi), mysql-5.5.29-win32/64 (sesuaikan kompi agan), navicat 8.0.18_mysql_en.rar, PBServerDBi3corev17, lwsi_En.rar (sudah diedit ke, PB Launcher v1.4 (taruh di folder PointBlankPTS)
Ane ambil dari forum idws dengan sedikit modif credit to dexterc2r

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2.lu instal java di folder jre7 (C:\Program Files\Java\jre7) <-----lokasi install
3.lu buka folder jre7 -> jre -> bin
lu copas semua isi file dstu ke folder bin di luar jre
4.lu buka folder jre7 -> jre -> libs
lu copas semua isi file dstu ke folder libs di luar jre
klo eror pas copy semua file nya.lu buka task manager -> procesess -> cari di proses itu nma jqs.exe trz end proses

5.instal my sql 5.5 -> detailed configuration -> server -> isi user dengan root dan password 123456 (yg lain nya biarin default)
6.instal navicat klo ud buka trz klik new conenction trz isi pass:123456
7.instal database sql (masuk ke pb_database klik setup) tapi sebelum nya edit dlu "setup.bat" nya klik knan edit. liat dstu klo bawaan nya kn C:\xampp\MySQL\bin\mysql.exe itu d rubah ke C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysql.exe trz jgn lpa isi password
8.trz skrg k folder pb_auth -> configs -> database.ini (isi password nya 123456)
trz d file network.ini biarin gt aj ip nya
9. trz skrg k folder pb_game -> configs -> database.ini (isi pw nya 123456)
file network.ini biarin default (pakai ip komputer kamu juga bisa) dan (yang bagian [connection])
jalanin server nya (Start Server.cmd) di folder PBServerDBi3corev17.

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username root
password 123456 LOGIN-->tinggal mainin pb nya
-pas jalanin game nya navicat,login/auth server dan game server jgn d close
-java n mysql klo ud ada di uninstall-->reinstall
     Tutorial/Cara Ganti Map:               
cmd map <map number>
contoh : cmd map 9 (untuk bermain di crackdown)
masukan kode berikut di chat room .
1 Port Akba
2 Squareindo
3 Library
4 manstation
5 kickpoint
6 Shopping Center
7 burning hall
8 d-squad
9 krackdown
10 saints manstion
11 estern road
12 Downtown
13 Luxiville
14 boom city
15 stormtube
16 Giran [NEW]
17 Breakeown
18 Training Camp
19 Sentry Base
20 Desert Camp [ Mini Indonesia ]
21 Kick Point
22 Martyr Ridge
23 Supply Base
24 SandStorm
25 Downtown
26 Luxville
27 Outpost
28 Boom City
29 Stormtube
30 Sentry Bse
31 Hospital
31 Hospital
32 Closure
33 Shopping Center
34 SandStorm
35 Breakdown
37 Giran [NEW]
38 Helispot
39 BlackCat
40 TheNest [ DINO]
41 Inasion
42 Dino Breakdown
44 Tutorial Mode [NEW]
45 Shopping Center
46 Safari
48 Machu Picchu
49 CargoShip
50 High Rise
 Bermain Mode SG, AWP, Knife dll: 
1. Login game and create room AI MODE. ( Map Portacaba )
2. Open Cheat Engine and select target PointBlank.exe
3. Scan type "Array of Bytes" Value "08 00 00 08" ( NEW SCAN )

4. if completed scan, then change the maps 2. and change value "08 00 00 08" in cheat engine
to value "10 00 00 08". click ( NEXT SCAN ) and you would found 1 address. see it

5. Click right on address found. then click "Browse this memory region"

8A (RPG)
04 (PUNCH)
10 (KNIFE)

7. after replacing value. change AI.mode level or number of bots before start game (to work).
Cara Mengganti Pangkat:        
1. Pertama buka Navicat lalu Double Click Localhost --> Double Click PB --> Double Click Tables Then Double Click Players

2. Sesudah Double Click Players, You Can Edit Your Nickname And Your Rank. If You Want GM Rank, Change The Rank to 53 [GM Rank] or You Can Change to Another Number

Cara Bermain dengan LAN:
Menggunakan PB Indonesia sebagai PBPTS (bagi yang males download file client karena besar, jadi bisa meng copy dari warnet ataw temen yang punya PB online:

  • Sediain dulu pbindonesia nya mbak.... nyolong aja di warnet banyak o.o
  • terus download file ini & replace ke directory pbindo sista... download disini 11mb via mediafire
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  • contoh servidor 1.7 kan make kriss sv gold, di pb indo emangnya ada? nah cari aja sendiri i3pack nya biar pas loading lobby nya gak BT :v
  • run deh pake PBrun.bat bisa download di "update peralatan baru di atas"
  • selesai :v
  • Thursday, March 13, 2014

    Game Call Of Duty Full

    Call of Duty 1


    Cấu hình: nhẹ khỏi nói

    Call of Duty United Offensive (bản mở rộng của COD1)


    Cấu hình: tương đương COD1

    Call of Duty 2


    Cấu hình: nhẹ khỏi nói

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare

    Minimum System Requirements

    Required (minimum) Specs
    CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 2.4 GHz or AMD(R) Athlon(TM) 64 2800+ processor or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better supported
    RAM: 512MB RAM (768MB for Windows Vista)
    Hard Drive: 8GB of free space
    Video card: NVIDIA(R) Geforce(TM) 6600
    or better or ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9800 Pro or better.

    Recommended Specs
    CPU: 2.4 GHz dual core or better
    RAM: 1G for XP; 2G for Vista
    Hard Drive: 8GB of free space
    Video card: 3.0 Shader Support recommended. Nvidia Geforce 7800 or better or ATI Radeon X1800 or better

    Call of Duty World At War


    - CPU: AMD 64 3200 trở lên / Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz trở lên
    - RAM: 512MB (XP) or 1GB (Vista or Win7)
    - Dung lượng yêu cầu: 8GB HDD
    - Card đồ họa: Nvidia 6600GT/ATI Radeon 1600XT hoặc cao hơn (hỗ trợ Shader 3.0 trở lên) với 256MB bộ nhớ

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2



    Hệ điều hành: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista và Windows 7 (Windows 95/98/ME/2000 không được hỗ trợ)
    Bộ vi xử lý: Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz hoặc AMD Athlon 64 3200+
    RAM: 1 GB
    Card đồ họa: 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT hoặc ATI Radeon 1600XT
    DirectX: Microsoft DirectX(R) 9.0c
    Ổ đĩa cứng: Còn trống 12GB
    Internet: Có hỗ trợ hệ thống băng thông rộng cho phần chơi trực tuyến

    Call of Duty Black Ops


    ■ Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
    ■ Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600, AMD Phenom X3 8750 or better
    ■ Memory: 2 GB of RAM
    ■ Graphic: Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT, ATI Radeon X1950 Pro or better with 256 MB ofgraphics memory with support for Shader 3.0
    ■ Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
    ■ Hard Disk Space: 12 GB available

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3




    CD1: Code:
    CD2: Code:

    DVD Code:
    Call of Duty Black Ops 2
    OS: Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7
    CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHz
    Memory: 2GB for 32-bit OS or 4GB for 64-bit OS
    Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 8800GT 512 MB or ATI Radeon HD 3870 512 MB
    The game CANNOT run on Windows XP

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